Abdul Aziz Said Scholarship Fund 

In recognition of lifelong contributions to peace by Professor Abdul Aziz Said, Nonviolence International has started a new program under which we hope to supply interns with stipends for their service. This financial aid is provided to perpetuate the legacy of Abdul Aziz Said, who co-founded Nonviolence International in 1989 and devoted his life to inspiring students to promote peace and global understanding. In particular, this scholarship will ensure that international students and those of modest financial means will have an equal opportunity to gain professional experience. 

Abdul Aziz Said is a world-renowned educator. He is a Syrian-born writer and was a professor of international relations for 60 years at American University, where he was the founding director of the International Peace and Conflict Resolution department at the School of International Service. 

Internships are for 12-14 weeks in the summer, autumn, and winter seasons and are based in Washington D.C. Interns must be able to dedicate 15-20 hours a week to their assigned work and will provide a culminating report at the end of their service.

Potential donors to this scholarship fund can reach out to Nonviolence International for further information, or send donations directly at:

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