UCP in Palestine works to create a nonviolent response to stop the violence and stand with our Palestinian brothers and sisters. There are hundreds of unarmed civilian protection & accompaniment veterans in the world who can be mobilized to go to Palestine. They have experience carrying out nonviolent protective activities in areas of violent conflict throughout the world.
Here is a detailed assessment report produced by our advance team.
Your donation is needed to deploy 100 veteran unarmed civilian protectors/accompaniers from multiple countries to Palestine. The trained protectors will work directly with Palestinian partner organizations to increase self-protection capabilities and improve community safety in Gaza and the West Bank.
Key activities will include protecting the safe and efficient provision of humanitarian assistance, accompanying people under threat, providing protective presence, monitoring ceasefires, monitoring and reporting on compliance with international law, and providing direct protection of civilians both in Gaza and the West Bank.
Based on previous experience and the documented effectiveness of UCP, a project of this scale could reduce deaths, injuries, and relocations, help make civilians feel safer, allow dislocated civilians to return home, and help farmers and shepherds to return to their land.
Learn more about the project in the Project Summary and an article by Mel Duncan in Waging Nonviolence.