We are excited to invite you to join us for another installment of Nonviolence International’s Wednesday webinar series We Are All Part of One Another.
On April 29th from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm EDT (14:30-16:00 GMT) we will hold a discussion on...
"Creative Nonviolent Action for Palestine During COVID-19"
This interactive webinar will be hosted by two of Nonviolence International's founders, Mubarak Awad and Jonathan Kuttab. Additionally, we will feature presentations from some of our wonderful partners and new friends including: Alex McDonald of the US Boats to Gaza, Raed Shakshak of We Are Not Numbers, and Roshan Dadoo of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, South Africa.
Panelists & Hosts:
Raed Shakshak
Raed writes, "In a world full of noise, I sit quietly and let the clicks of my keyboard speak for me. My name is Raed. I graduated from university with a degree in English language and literature from Al-Azhar University in Gaza. Thanks to a semester as an exchange student at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania (USA), I have developed a better understanding of our world. My current mission is to tell new, different stories from Gaza in my role as outreach coordinator for We Are Not Numbers. It's time I step up and be the voice of the voiceless ones, including myself. I started writing. I'll be the noise now. No one can stop me.
Roshan Dadoo
Roshan is the Secretary of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Gauteng Province and member of the Interim Committee of the newly formed South African BDS Coalition.
Alex McDonald
Alex is a member of U.S. Boat To Gaza; he was a crewmember onboard the Mairead for the 2018 Freedom Flotilla. He is co-founder of the Texas Coalition for Human Rights that works to remove racist and religious bigotry from the Texas educational standards. He is also a member of two Houston organizations whose objectives are to educate the public about the real situation in Israel/Palestine. Alex was a peace delegate on a Code Pink trip to Iran in February 2019. Alex believes that although there are many horrible human rights abuses across the world, Americans are particularly responsible for the ones in Israel/Palestine because of our complicity through our economic, political, and military involvement.
Our hosts, Mubarak Awad and Jonathan Kuttab, are two of the founders of Nonviolence International. In addition to founding NVI, Mubarak has also been an adjunct professor at the American University in Washington, DC since 1989 at the School of International Studies. He focuses on promoting peace dialogue and transforming post-conflict societies, as well as teaching graduate courses on the methods and theory of nonviolence. Jonathan is a well-known international human rights attorney and has established himself as a prominent speaker on nonviolence. He is also a co-founder of the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq and is President of the Board of the Bethlehem Bible College.
This is a rare opportunity for our organization along with some of our partners and friends to address the situation in Palestine in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. We will discuss important campaigns that promote nonviolence during the pandemic.
Through these timely webinars, Nonviolence International will educate, inspire, and build a strong community as we work for a better world.
Over the coming months, we will be hosting an impressive range of nonviolent activists, thinkers, and leaders. We hope that you will make our new webinar series a regular part of your week. Each week you will hear a powerful story of how people are using creative nonviolence in these difficult days.
We look forward to an interactive and inspirational webinar series