The Many Faces of Nonviolence
Nonviolence International Says Goodbye to Our Spring 2019 Interns!
From test driving a Tesla to listening to a presentation about peace education in Indonesia, there was rarely a slow day around the office this spring with our three interns, Kimberly Baggelaar, Jillian Maulella, and Emily Mattioli. As we get ready to send off these three exceptional young women, we want to take the time to reflect on all they’ve contributed to our mission.
Our interns joined us at an exciting time around the office, at the conjunction of our 30th anniversary and continued process of renewal. We enjoyed sharing with them what our office has accomplished in the past three decades, while looking forward to being even more impactful in the future. Each intern had invaluable insights regarding the renewal process, offering their talents to better serve the organization. Kimberly remembers the renewal meetings sharing, “NI cares about our experience as interns, but went even further to value our opinions about the organization as a whole. We were welcomed into meetings about the renewal of the organization and given the opportunity to contribute.”
Kimberly Baggelaar is a graduating senior at American University this semester. She studies International Relations with an emphasis on Identity, Race, Gender and Culture. Her work at NI is predominantly composed of creating and maintaining the educational archives, which provide information for activists and organizers on different peace building topics. She also regularly attends rallies and protests for peace in DC. She hopes to continue work in the field of peace education after graduation. Inspiring Kimmy to apply to Nonviolence International was one of her professors, and prominent peace activist Colman McCarthy.
Emily Mattioli is also a graduating senior at Malone University in Canton, Ohio. She finished her senior year with us in D.C., and is double majoring in Creative Writing and International Studies. While working at NI, Emily has interviewed our partners and affiliates to learn their stories. In the next couple of months, we will be putting her work up on our website and social medias, so you can learn more about the work we support and are inspired by.
“Having the opportunity to talk to our partners, while intimidating, was an incredible experience. I feel fortunate to have been able to meet so many groups and individuals that are furthering their mission through nonviolent action. From discussing the Arms Trade Treaty, to what big money in politics looks like, I had the opportunity to research many different issues and hear about them from people who are actively doing work to resolve them.”
Emily has also stayed connected to peace efforts regarding the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, which she was introduced to last semester while studying in the Middle East. After visiting Bethlehem, Emily met Sami Awad, leader of Holy Land Trust, a partner organization. After an inspiring speech about the role of healing and nonviolence in the conflict, Sami recommended the internship at Nonviolence International to Emily who applied shortly after. Since working at NI’s D.C. office, Emily has been able to reconnect and work with Holy Land Trust and meet Mubarak Awad, Nonviolence International’s founder and a Palestinian Peace Activist. She has also had the opportunity to attend events across the city discussing ways to resolve this difficult conflict.
Jillian Maulella is a rising senior at James Madison University. She's currently pursuing a degree in International Affairs, with a concentration in International Relations, and an Art History minor. Here at the office, Jillian spends the majority of her time working on the Nonviolent Methods Database, which includes over 300 nonviolent methods and tactics. After graduation, Jillian hopes to further explore the nonprofit world here in D.C. Upon deciding to come to D.C. Jillian knew that she wanted to intern at a nonprofit that was passionate about what they do. Reflecting on this past semester Jillian states, "I feel like my time at nonviolence international has been very valuable. I've learned so much about the nonprofit field and really feel like I am making a difference."
There is so much to miss about these interns. Kimberly, Jillian, and Emily are deeply committed, have creative insightful ideas, and share their growing wisdom with us. Our frequent interactions are particularly meaningful to me these days when we have many reasons to worry about the future. These emerging leaders show us again and again that their generation is claiming the power to heal and repair the world. We have left them several interlocking crises including our addiction to violence, climate change, and a rigged and brutal economic system. Through their daily actions they demonstrate the capacity to fix what we have broken. Not to mention our Taco Tuesday tradition. NI cares about our interns and hopes that they will remember their time here with us as they continue their careers, and lead their generation into a future of nonviolence.
If you or someone you know is interested in interning at Nonviolence International, please visit our Internship page. To join us in supporting these young leaders in nonviolent action and growth opportunities, donate here.
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