Updates-A Story of Realistic Hope

Celebrating 30 Years of Nonviolence International

David Kirshbaum - Modern Peacebuilding 

Check out this video produced by our friends at Nonviolence International NY.

David Kirshbaum founded NVI's New York office and serves as the Director of the Arizona Research Program for NVI New York. In this video David builds on the foundational work of Johan Galtung and his theory of peacebuilding. He brings this vital work into the modern day exploring how we must build a culture of peace in this brutal world. He celebrates the key role of the United Nations and the important values based work of the Barrett Model. And, quite movingly to all of us at Nonviolence International, he also powerfully places NVI's founder, Mubarak Awad, along side some of the greatest historical leaders of Nonviolence.

Learn more about the Barrett Model here:


Essay -
PowerPoint -
Joni Carley's Video -
Phil Clothier's Video - 


This video is part of a series celebrating our proud history and calling us to do even more in the years to come.

Please check back for more. 

Check out this wonderful video from the Raven Foundation featuring Ken Butigan of Pace e Bene

Ken tells us,“The greatest social movement in human history hasn’t happened yet… and it is coming.” 

Ken Butigan, Strategist at Pace e Bene

Butigan is a leading teacher, advocate and strategist of nonviolence. He has worked for decades with many social change movements and currently is Pace e Bene’s chief strategist for its Campaign Nonviolence National Week of Action. He teaches in the Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies Program at DePaul University in Chicago, and has published several books, including most recently Nonviolent Lives.

Celebrating 30 Years of Nonviolence International

Paul Magno

Check out this video produced by our friends at Nonviolence International NY.

Paul Magno is the Director of NVI's fiscally sponsored partner The Isaiah Project. He is the former Director of Finances for NVI. Paul is a longtime activist and has been involved with the Catholic Worker movement since 1981, as well as many other nonprofit organizations on the local, national, and international level.

In 2019, Paul won the Pax Christi Metro DC Peacemaker of the Year award. 

This video is part of a series celebrating our proud history and calling us to do even more in the years to come.

Please check back for more. 

We Are All Part of One Another - Webinar Series

Beautiful Trouble Creative Nonviolence in a Time of Crisis - Webinar

We were thrilled to host our good friends from Beautiful Trouble for this engaging webinar. Their creative approach to bold nonviolent action is needed now more than ever. 

At this moment they write, “a renegade bug is showing how deeply broken our system is. Beyond the absolutely critical tasks of taking care of yourself, harm-reduction, and looking out for those around us who are most struggling, we must also make that brokenness plain. We do not get to choose the historic moments we are born into, but we do get to choose how we respond. And as we recover, and put our world back together, we have a chance to put it back together differently and better.”

In that spirit, we invite you to join in exploring some of the most creative and effective social movement responses to COVID-19 to date. For more background, see this powerful piece - Beautiful Trouble’s irreverent guide to activism in the time of pandemic, aka “HOLY SH*T! 7 things to do instead of hoarding toilet paper”


Thanks to our friends at Nonviolence International NY who produced this video. 

Celebrating 30 Years of Nonviolence International

Karim Crow

Check out this video produced by our friends at Nonviolence International NY.



Karim Douglas Crow answers questions about his work and experience with nonviolent activism. He talks about how he got involved with Nonviolence International, tells a story about our founder, Mubarak Awad, and the best way to start implementing nonviolence into life. He tells about the lessons he’s learned about nonviolence, how to address the greatest challenges today, and what keeps him hopeful. Karim has worked with the NVI's Islam and Peace Project, and is the author of Challenges of Social Reconstruction in the Muslim World.

This video is part of a series celebrating our proud history and calling us to do even more in the years to come.

Please check back for more. 

Celebrating 30 Years of Nonviolence International

Asna Husin

Check out this video produced by our friends at Nonviolence International NY.


Asna Husin discusses why nonviolence is important to her and how she got involved, her peace education program and how they define their holistic view of peace, and shares some of her favorite stories. Asna answers questions about nonviolence today, and what keeps her hopeful.

This video is part of a series celebrating our proud history and calling us to do even more in the years to come.

Please check back for more. 

We Are All Part of One Another - Webinar Series

Holy Land Trust’s Founder Sami Awad's Wonderful Take on Active Nonviolence

Sami Awad is the founder of Holy Land Trust in Bethlehem, Palestine for which Nonviolence International serves as the US fiscal sponsor. Holy Land Trust is committed to supporting, training, and developing nonviolence in the Holy Land. Sami was influenced by the teaching of his uncle, Mubarak Awad, the Palestinian activist who promoted nonviolent resistance to the occupation during the First Intifada (popular uprising) and was arrested and deported by the Israeli government for his peaceful/nonviolent activities. Sami promotes and engages in nonviolent truth-telling, healing, and transformation work in Palestine and worldwide. Sami Awad holds an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Divinity from the Chicago Theological Seminary, a Master’s Degree in International Relations from the American University in Washington D.C., and an undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Kansas.

Thanks to our friends at Nonviolence International NY who produced this video. 

We Are All Part of One Another - Webinar Series

Nonviolence International’s Founder Mubarak Awad

Shares his Wisdom and Warmth with Awesome Interns

Mubarak Awad is a world renowned nonviolent activist. He founded Nonviolence International in 1989 and remains an inspiration for generations. Prompted by the need to work remotely because of COVID 19, we launched a new webinar series. The first session was held with our impressive Interns and our founder. Mubarak shared both his wisdom and his warmth with the team. He told stories and suggested lessons for how we can move forward together at this challenging time. We believe Nonviolence is a force more powerful than any other in the world. Mubarak’s words and life make that point clear to all. If you are inspired by this video, please consider what groups need your active support at this critical time. People are struggling everywhere. Nonprofits are struggling. Pick out something you can do and do it. As Mubarak teaches, taking action will change the world and make you feel better.  

Thanks to our friends at Nonviolence International NY who produced this video. 

On the 2nd Anniversary of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7 disarmament action at the Trident sub base in Georgia, friends, musicians and poets express their support for the defendants as they still await sentencing by the Federal Courts.

Featuring: Medea Benjamin, Kathy Kelly, Russell Rickford, Jeanine Hill Fletcher, Bill Quigley, Luke Nephew, Ched Myers and Elaine Enns, and friends.

Musicians: Richie Stearns, Karan Casey, Tom Chapin and the Chapin Sisters, Drank the Gold- Oona Grady and James Gascoyne

NVI is proud to be the fiscal sponsor for the this important project. Please consider donating at: https://www.nonviolenceinternational.net/donate_isaiah

Holy Week and Passover are upon us, weird to be observing these big annual commemorations in virtual lockdown, but here we are. They remember and foretell our Liberation from injustice and from captivity.  It's worth remembering that the Exodus from Pharoah's Egypt followed on not just one pestilence but a succession of ten plagues before the sun king told the Israelites to pack up and get out!.  Yipes - could be we're just getting warmed up.  Blessed High Holy Days of all stripes, even if they tell us truth we do't really want to hear or abide.  

Celebrating 30 Years of Nonviolence International

Jonathan Kuttab

Check out this video produced by our friends at Nonviolence International NY.


Jonathan Kuttab is a co-founder of Nonviolence International. A well-known international human rights attorney, Mr. Kuttab has established himself as a prominent speaker on nonviolence. He is also a co-founder of the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq and is President of the Board of the Bethlehem Bible College. 

This video is part of a series celebrating our proud history and calling us to do even more in the years to come.

Please check back for more. 

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